Uploading monthly Content
Upload Content / Articles
Under unlinked pages, select the 'All Content' page to access blog archive
Click + to add a new post
Once all photos and copy have been uploaded, remember to:
add the relevant tag and category for the article - places, make, feature etc
update the post summary and photo, which is found under the options tab
Although this can occasionally change, Lost Magazine features content in the following categories. (Try to upload in descending order, to ensure the home page 'latest posts' banner remains consistent each month):
Editor's Letter
5 things... (round up of things to do)
Food recipe
Drink recipe
Anthony’s story
Produce story
Create story
Property story
Drink story
Eat story
Feature story
Update home page hero banner with latest feature story that is featured on the cover - photo and button link
Update sidebar for each category page if applicable (adding gif for instance). Unfortunately, these have to be worked one-by-one due to Squarespace not supporting a master sidebar in the current template
Create new page for latest issue to display issu pdf. Easiest way to do this, is by duplicating another archive page and updating the embed code from issu.
Update picture of latest issue to the magazine archives page, and link it to the page you created in step 4. Link to magazine archives page - archives page
Update markets and fairs page
Update directory if applicable. (be aware, this directory uses a lot of code and can seem clunky due to it's size. It may take several minutes to update any text you add). We were in process of integrating new functionality for this however didn’t get completed.