Posts in EDITOR
LOST News - August

On behalf of the Lost team, thank you for your support and kindness - I hope the stories in this edition are as enchanting and dreamy for you as they were for me. Now put another log on the fire and grab your cuppa, because it's time to get Lost.

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LOST News - July

It’s great to be back and presenting another edition of Lost Magazine. Each day is still different, but it’s nice to see some normality coming back this month. It’s been wonderful collaborating with, and supporting local businesses to create this edition of Lost Magazine.

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LOST News - June

It’s great to be back and presenting another edition of Lost Magazine. Each day is still different, but it’s nice to see some normality coming back this month. It’s been wonderful collaborating with, and supporting local businesses to create this edition of Lost Magazine.

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LOST News - April

We certainly are living through interesting times. As I’m sitting inside, feeling lucky to spend my self-isolation in Victoria’s most beautiful region, I’m reminded of my favourite saying. As the story goes, many years ago, a Persian king asked a group of sages and wise men to create a phrase which would be applicable to all imaginable situations. In short, after many failed attempts, they finally succeeded in producing a phrase which satisfied the king: “This too, shall pass”.

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LOST News - December

Wait... is that the month!? Cue Maria Carey and Michael Buble, it’s time to get festive. What better time than the twelfth month to reminisce about the year gone by. It’s been a big year for Lost Magazine. So many amazing stories have been explored and presented. It is always worth saying how proud and lucky we are to be here.

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Lost News - September 2019

Life is fleeting... Even more reason to become lost. Lost in our region, lost in our work, lost in our family and friends, lost in ourselves. We

have seen snow. We have seen rain. We have felt the chilling cold. The dormancy of winter has made us appreciate the importance of respecting our seasonal foods and preserving what we can.

Spring is waking up and boldly reminding us how important all the seasons are.

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Lost News - August 2019

August is here! Can you believe it? Just like that, the day's are getting longer and before we know it the festive season will be upon us. We've had such a wonderful response to the new team's first edition of Lost and this month we're going full steam ahead as we increase Lost to 64 pages - all chockablock full of reasons to get out and about and experience all our beautiful region has to offer. 

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Lost News - July 2019

Now I know what you're thinking; July - we're in the depths of winter, the weather forecast is looking dismal, and the last long weekend for the foreseeable future is over and done with... life is looking pretty bleak. Well, I'm here is to tell you otherwise. We are so lucky to live in such an incredible part of Australia, so magically beautiful all 12 months of the year. In fact, Winter has got to be our absolute favourite season here in spa country. Whether it's a cold night spent by the fire with a glass of local pinot, or waking up on a frosty morning with the landscape shrouded in fog; there really is no better place to get Lost in Winter. 

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Lost News - June 2019

This time last month we were still experiencing warm dry days and the ground was yet to be dampened by any rain. By the time May edition hit the streets, the rain had started. And now, only a short month later, we have not just had days of gorgeous, soaking rain but frosts and snow. A farmer's life has never been easy but in today’s rapidly changing climate, many are being stretched to their limits. You can support them directly by attending a local Farmers market where you can buy their beautiful produce direct. 

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