Posts tagged Surly Goat
Lost News February 2019

Welcome to February! We are hitting the streets a little late this month but thanks to the efforts of the incredible CFA superheroes, a timeline hiccup was the only outcome of the Hepburn Springs fires for us here at Lost Headquarters. Our office is in Hepburn Springs and backs onto the gully where the fires were so we were a little tense over the weekend whilst some of the dramatic photos being posted on social media made it look like an inferno. But thankfully that wasn't the case. 

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Tomato Gazpacho with Cherries and Goats Cheese

Chef David Willcocks worked in the south of Spain where he dined with famed chef Dani Garcia. This is his take on Garciaโ€™s gazpacho. Served well-chilled is a refreshing dish on a hot day. The addition of the cherry puree to the gazpacho lifts the tomatoes with its sweetness and adds an extra dimension to the classic Spanish dish. Garnish with a few ripe tomatoes, pitted cherries, grated frozen cherve, a fillet of good quality Spanish anchovies and pistachios, or equally keep a bottle in the fridge as David does in his house to be enjoyed whenever. 

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